Aufsatz(elektronisch)14. Juni 2023

Personal-oriented approach as basis in learning oral and written speech while teaching foreign languages

In: Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics, Band 29, Heft 1, S. 79-84

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


The article discusses the features of using personal-oriented approach as methodological basis of organisation of process of learning foreign languages. The author compares different points of view and suggests methodological assumptions about the reorganisation of the traditional approach to the practice of learning how to work out the skills of interpersonal communication. The author notes that personal-oriented approach means interaction of all members of learning process which helps to exchange authentic information in a foreign language. The author gives methodological grounds developing skills of informational exchange in a foreign language and possessing experience of communication in oral and written forms. The article analyses principles of learning a foreign language via stimulation of students' cognitive activity which results in the development of social processes in the society. The article notes that the success in learning oral and written speech in methodic of teaching foreign languages depends on students' individual-aged peculiarities, on linguistic and discursive characteristics of texts and on students' motivation and conditions of study. The author concludes that systematic control of formed skills is the main condition of successful learning of oral and written speech.

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