The phenomenon of empathy in the behaviour of the population as a stimulator of prosocial behaviour in personal development
In: Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics, Band 26, Heft 4, S. 86-91
The article analyses the role of empathy in motivating prosocial behaviour. The influence of the level of empathy development on the features of prosocial behaviour in personal development is analysed. A theoretical analysis of the phenomenon of empathy and its impact on prosocial behaviour is carried out from the point of view of an interdisciplinary approach. Studies of the prosocial behaviour phenomenon in the framework of modern psychological doctrines are considered. The article presents the results of a study aimed at studying the influence of the level of empathy on the formation of prosocial (helping) behaviour. The study was conducted using a personal interview method. The survey was conducted on a zoned quota sample, represented in accordance with sex, age, and educational structure of the population of Yaroslavl. (n=500 people). The main conclusions of the study include the conclusion about a low level of behavioural empathy, characterised by a willingness to sympathise and help, guided by emotional participation. We can talk about the correlation of the empathic potential of the individual and its altruistic orientation. Empathic potential makes it possible to predict the behavioural reactions of a person in a real situation and is a determinant of the formation of prosocial behaviour. An individual's belonging to a society is determined by its emotional connections and influences the formation of prosocial behaviour.
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