
Autogestion et croyants

In: Revue d'études comparatives est-ouest: RECEO, Band 13, Heft 3, S. 129-141

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


Self-management and religious belief.
Recent history confirms that ideas of self-management or participation can exist in workers' consciousness alongside other beliefs, particularly religious ones. Fundamental questions arise : is religion a retrogressive factor? Is it, and should it remain, non-committal in the face of growing socialization? Can it act as a motivating force to the extent of becoming a significant integrating factor?
The author endeavours to answer these questions on the basis of research undertaken over a number of years in Yugoslavia and other east European countries. It would appear that there is nothing inherently incompatible in ideas of self-management and participation on the one hand, and religious belief on the other, since they are all organically, or at least dialectically, interlinked in the human consciousness.




PERSEE Program

ISSN: 2259-6100



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