
Peurs et angoisse à l'adolescence

In: Enfance, Band 25, Heft 3, S. 239-307

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


An inquiry has been made bearing on 345 high school pupils aged 14-18. The subjects were asked to report what they were afraid of and what they felt when afraid. Following a content analysis of the subject's responses to these two questions the authors describe 56 topics of fears and 48 topics of experienced fear. A factorial analysis of each of these two sets as well as of their relations makes it possible to describe several dimensions of fear at adolescence : phobias and expectancy anxiety, dangers in the self and dangers in others. Two forms of separation anxiety are distinguished, according to wether they involve differ endated relations with others or fear of a globally hostile world.




PERSEE Program

ISSN: 1969-6981



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