«Ecclesia in Africa» - Chronique d'un synode
In: Archives de sciences sociales des religions: ASSR, Band 93, Heft 1, S. 171-180
From April 10 to May 8, 1994, the special assembly of the bishops' synod for Africa was held in Rome. Five years in preparation (it had been called by Pope John Paul II in January 1989), this assembly was dedicated to the discussion of the "evangelising mission" of the Church in Africa on the eve of the third millenium and it was the occasion for the bishops of that continent to speak freely. No issues had been prohibited, which does not mean that all were discussed. The apostolic exhortation Ecclesia in Africa delivered by the Pope during his september 1995 visit to Africa confirms the importance of the work accomplished and sets the goals and the major orientations of ecclesiastic life in Africa for the coming decades. Nevertheless, the volontary omissions or excessive caution of the document highlight the difficult situation of the Church when confronted with certain issues (demography, health...) which determine the future of the African continent.
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