Aufsatz(elektronisch)19. Juli 2024

Plagiarism in the Academic Environment

In: Societies: open access journal, Band 14, Heft 7, S. 128

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


Plagiarism is a serious problem in the academic environment that affects academic honesty. However, there is usually a lack of knowledge regarding what kinds of practices can be regarded as plagiarism, as it is defined according to various ethical rules that differ from country to country. There is no commonly accepted definition encompassing all currently recognized forms of plagiarism. Therefore, some authors consider pedagogy to be the best measure against plagiarism. To research the impact of educating students on how to correctly quote sources on rates of plagiarism and the impact of specific factors causing plagiarism, we analyzed the measures of association among nominal variables from a dataset based on a survey of bachelor's and master's degree students in Slovak universities. According to our results from the Slovak universities, we can confirm that education has a positive impact on the elimination of plagiarism; however, teaching itself is not a sufficient measure to fight plagiarism. Other measures, e.g., checking seminar papers for plagiarism or making regular changes in topics for assignments, must accompany the educational measures that make an effort to eliminate plagiarism. The prevention of certain types of misconduct involves a long process; the teachers must implement educational measures and then uncompromisingly demand that students respect those measures.





ISSN: 2075-4698



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