Aufsatz(elektronisch)Februar 2016

It's Our Environment: Two Terms of SNP Environmental Policy

In: Scottish affairs, Band 25, Heft 1, S. 83-102

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


Under the SNP, Scotland has sought to develop a reputation for itself as a renewables powerhouse and a counterweight to the perceived anti-green Conservative party in Westminster. From the 'Saudi Arabia of Renewables' to 'the land of food and drink', the last eight years have seen the development of a self-consciously Scottish environmental framework. This article is intended as a brief critique of the SNP's environmental record in government in both rhetorical and policy terms, looking not only at policy outcomes but the discursive limitations within which the Scottish Government has constrained itself. It argues that nationalist governance strategies are limited in their ability to fully deal with both local and global environmental challenges. It concludes that, although the SNP have a fair record on 'shallow' environmentalism, there is still no policy agenda present within the government to radically modernise Scotland in the way that is necessary to protect the environment and guarantee higher quality of life for its people in the long term.




Edinburgh University Press

ISSN: 2053-888X



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