Experimantal study of acoustic properties of saturated sand in the temperature range –20+20 ᵒC
In: Moscow University Bulletin. Series 4. Geology, Heft 4, S. 55-62
Water phase transition divides the areas of soil approximation from the point of view of its elastic properties. It is interesting to study changing of acoustic characteristics, both kinematic and dynamic, in the process of freezing and thawing, since they can be indicators of various inelastic characteristics of the transition from one state to another. In the article we present results of initial stage of research on the topic identified in the title. This includes: design of a measuring cell that introduces minimal distortions in ultrasonic p and s waves measurements on water-saturates ground sample, monitoring sample temperature, performing ultrasonic measurements with a time step that provides necessary detailing for observing time and temperature dependencies of the waves characteristics registered during the phase transition data analisys.
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