
To the question of the content of the definition of "financial and legal mechanisms for ensuring judicial expert activity"

In: Gosudarstvo i pravo, Heft 11, S. 85

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


The authors of the article, based on a comparative legal analysis of domestic and foreign scientific literature, reveal the features of existing such significant definitions as "economic mechanism", "economic mechanism", "financial mechanism", "mechanism of legal regulation" and "financial and legal mechanism". The article examines the main scientific schools to determine the role and place of all these types of mechanisms in the system of economic and legal development of the state. It is concluded that it is necessary to introduce into scientific circulation the concept of "systems of financial and economic mechanisms of judicial expert activity", defining: 1) the subject-object structure of legal relations; 2) a system of methods, techniques and means of financing this type of activity; 3) legal, informational and organizational support of forensic expert activities; 4) a set of various mechanisms, which should include, for example, the mechanism of state financial control, the mechanism of insurance; digital financial mechanisms, etc.




The Russian Academy of Sciences



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