Aufsatz(elektronisch)30. März 2018

Geographic, Ethnic and Linguistic Composition of Afghanistan: Methodological rich points of Language Policy and Planning

In: Global social sciences review: an open access, triple-blind peer review, multidisciplinary journal, Band III, Heft I, S. 215-243

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


This paper evaluates the Language Policy and Planning's (LPP) Methodological Rich Points (MRP) in the geographic, ethnic and linguistic composition of Afghanistan. The theoretical construct is taken from the work of Nancy H. Hornberger on MRP in LPP. The paper explores a range of primary and secondary sources, and finds that the presence of inequality, marginalization and oppression in intra-ethnic and intralanguage group relations, sharing of resources and power account for neglect of the MRP in Afghan LPP. The geographic details in conjunction with explanation of historical process of migrations and conquests explains that most of the minority language speakers are concentrated in the difficult to reach areas of Afghanistan for their safety. Further, the limiting factors of Afghan geography explains the preservation of minority languages from the effects of majority languages. The study concludes with the proposal that it would be helpful to avoid the pitfalls of the current LPP in future by giving due attention to MRP.


Humanity Only - HO

ISSN: 2616-793X



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