
(Des)editar el cuerpo. Prácticas de boicot pantallizado

In: Clepsydra: Revista de Estudios de Género y Teoría Feminista, Heft 23, S. 83-100

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


The reflections that articulate this intervention are based on an attempt to recover some communicational experiences linked to digital culture, thought of as bodily practices and disciplining exercises; this with the aim of making visible some nutritional and health practices produced in the privacy of intimate spaces (living rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms) that are framed by the screens of our devices. Some records or digital expressions cease to be solely –recalling Joan Fontcuberta's theory regarding postphotography– messages or testimonies to become figurations that make visible new forms aimed at modulating the docility of bodies, as conceived by Michel Foucault. gestated on the networks and in the mass media. For this essay, we will review some visual proposals coming mainly from feminist art, which are critically opposed to the proliferation of images of exclusion gestated on the networks and in the mass media. The reflections on studies presented here are mainly framed in disciplinary fields such as body studies, visual studies, and gender studies.


University of La Laguna

ISSN: 2530-8424



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