Aufsatz(elektronisch)29. März 2018

The Analysis of the Digital AC Motor Speed Control System Operation

In: Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Marynarki Wojennej, Band 212, Heft 1, S. 125-136

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


The article presents the analysis of the automatic alternate current motor control system, carried out by the author. The automatic control system has been implemented on the existing laboratory stand, containing: the squirrel-cage asynchronous motor and the frequency inverter. The existing stand imposed one of the available speed control methods for the motor and the necessity of the appropriate elements selection for the automatic control system [1]. The automatic control system has been designed and created as the constant value follow-up digital controller. To designate the parameters of the control object the unit step method of was used. After registering the output changes caused by the unit step, the characteristic curve was received that allowed to determine the alternative transmittance of the control object which, in turn, has made possible to find the appropriate controller settings.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH

ISSN: 2300-5300



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