Aufsatz(elektronisch)10. Mai 2024

first Generations and Gender Survey in Finland: data collection and data quality

In: Finnish yearbook of population research, S. 107-126

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


The first Generations and Gender Survey in Finland was collected in 2021/2022 as a web-based survey. In addition to the standard GGS-questionnaire, the Finnish survey included two new modules: the Miller Instrument, which captures childbearing motivations, and Global uncertainties, which enquires about perceptions of future threats. To further advance research on family dynamics, data from GGS Finland is linked to administrative records. This allows researchers to explore employment and family trajectories until 2026. Analyses of core socio-demographic characteristics and well-established fertility indicators reveal that the sample, by and large, represents the target population.


Finnish Yearbook of Population Research

ISSN: 1796-6191



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