Aufsatz(elektronisch)1. Januar 1997


In: Social behavior and personality: an international journal, Band 25, Heft 4, S. 345-352

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


This study examined the effects of playing video games (Super Tetris) on the reaction time, cognitive/perceptual adaptability, and emotional well-being of 22 noninstitutionalized elderly people aged 69 to 90. Volunteers in an elderly community in the Netherlands were randomly assigned
to a videogameplaying experimental group or a nonplaying control group. The televisions of the 10 videogame players were provided with Nintendo SuperNes systems. Participants played Super Tetris 5 hours a week for 5 weeks, and maintained a log of their play. Before and after this play period,
measures of reaction time (Sternberg Test; Steinberg, 1969), cognitive/perceptual adaptability (Stroop Color Word Test; Stroop, 1935), and emotional well-being (self-report questionnaire) were administered. Playing video games was related to a significant improvement in the Sternberg reaction
time task, and to a relative increase in selfreported well-being. On the Stroop Color Word Test, both the experimental and control groups improved significantly, but the difference between groups was not statistically significant. The videogame-playing group had faster reaction times and felt
a more positive sense of well-being compared to their nonplaying counterparts. Consistent with previous research on video games and the elderly, the present study finds the strongest effects on measures of reaction time, and the weakest effects on cognitive performance measures. Explanations
and alternative interpretations of these findings are discussed.




Scientific Journal Publishers Ltd

ISSN: 1179-6391



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