Aufsatz(elektronisch)23. August 2023

Servant leadership and leadership effectiveness in healthcare institutions

In: Problems & perspectives in management, Band 21, Heft 3, S. 361-372

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


The significance of leadership in the healthcare sector has been increasingly recognized in recent times. It is now widely acknowledged as a crucial determinant of patient security, clinical treatment quality, and the overall healthcare culture prevailing in the community. The purpose of the present study is to analyze the moderating effect of cognitive style indicator on the relationship between servant leadership style and leadership effectiveness. Mix method explanatory sequential research design was used to collect data. AMOS SEM was run for data analysis, and development of measurement and structural models. The study population were drawn from healthcare institutions in the Qassim region, Saudi Arabia. The results showed a positive association between servant leadership style, cognitive style indicator, and leadership efficiency. In addition, all values were significant and indicative of the cognitive style's moderating impact on servant leadership and leadership effectiveness.


LLC CPC Business Perspectives

ISSN: 1810-5467



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