
Verse-glorification of the Buddha from the first Canto of the Bhagavata Purana

In: Voprosy filosofii: naučno-teoretičeskij žurnal, Heft 2, S. 188-193

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This article is devoted to the study of the image of the Buddha, manifested in the pages of perhaps the most influential Purana, namely, the Bhagavata Purana, or sim­ply the Bhagavata. The study of this image will allow us to see the points of possible mutual understanding and interaction between Buddhists and Vishnuites (Vaish­navas). This study is limited to the analysis of the first stanza in the Bhagavata Pu­rana that glorifies the Buddha. This stanza is analyzed by various medieval and mod­ern Indian commentators (Sridhara, Madhva, Vallabha, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, Bhaktiprajnana Kesava, Bhaktivedanta). As a result of the analysis of the text, it was revealed that the first stanza-the glorification of the Buddha from the Bhagavata Pu­rana-has at least four readings, each of which offers variations around the name of the father (or mother) The Buddhas. Bhaktiprajnana's suggestion of two different Bud­dhas, Shakyamuni Buddha and avatara Buddha, who preached at different times, is remarkably interesting, but not obvious. The place of the appearance of the Buddha, indicated in the Bhagavata Purana – Bodh-Gaya, does not coincide with the birth­place of Shakyamuni Buddha, but coincides with the place of his Enlightenment.


Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences



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