Aufsatz(elektronisch)28. September 2021

The role of tourism BUM Desa in the Pandemic era in increasing village original income: A case study in Jember Regency, Indonesia

In: International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science: IJRBS, Band 10, Heft 6, S. 278-284

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


The purpose of this study was to see the effect of the establishment of village-owned enterprises (BUM Desa) and the support of the local government in increasing the village's original income. This research has a research sample using the purposive sampling method, namely BUM Desa Dukuh Dempok, and BUM Desa Kemiri. Data was obtained by conducting interviews, observations, and documentation. Interviews were conducted with in-depth interviews with the chairman and management of BUM Desa in Jember. Analysis was carried out on the data and information obtained to obtain research results. Tourism BUM Desa Gumuk Watu and Tourism BUM Desa Kemiri have a role in increasing the village's original income can be seen from the function of facilitator and mediator. The two BUM Desa include the role of the community in building and developing tourism. Local government support for BUM Desa tourism is very important. BUM Desa Wisata Gumuk Watu and BUM Desa Wisata Kemiri received full support from the government in the form of capital and socialization of BUM Desa to the community. The difference in income between the BUM Desa Gumuk Watu and the BUM Desa Kemiri. Tourism BUM Desa of Kemiri experienced a decrease in income by more than 50% but Tourism BUM Desa of Gumuk Watu experienced an increase due to the entertainment needs of the community. These results indicate that BUM Desa which is engaged in tourist areas needs the role of the government in helping to increase their income in the pandemic era.


Center for Strategic Studies in Business and Finance SSBFNET

ISSN: 2147-4478



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