Aufsatz(elektronisch)30. August 2017

IFRS integration into accounting curriculum: Undergraduate accounting students' perceptions in Jakarta

In: Global journal of sociology: current issues, Band 7, Heft 1, S. 2-8

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This study was to analyze the empirical evidence about the difference perceptions of IFRS into accounting curriculum integration between female students with male students, and students who are under or equal to 20 years with a student over the age of 20 years. Survey I conducted by distribution of a set questionnaires using purposive sampling method to accounting unfergraduate students of some university with A Accreditation Jakarta. Research Results state that there is a difference between the perception of female students with male students about the integration of IFRS into accounting curriculum, and there is no difference in perception between students aged below or equal to 20 years with a student over the age of 20 years.
Keywords: Perception, IFRS integration, accounting curriculum, gender


Birlesik Dunya Yenilik Arastirma ve Yayincilik Merkezi

ISSN: 2301-2633



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