Aufsatz(elektronisch)31. Dezember 2022

The effect of successfulness on family and friendly relationships; A sikeresség hatása a baráti körre és a családi kapcsolatokra

In: Metszetek: társadalomtudományi folyóirat = Cross-Sections : social science journal, Band 11, Heft 4, S. 54-71

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


The study examines the impact of leadership roles and success on family and friendship relationships between men and women. The literature on this topic typically focuses on the analysis of success and failure, but the impact of family and friendships on leadership success is a less published area. The questionnaire data collection (n = 437) was conducted among women and men using a snowball method, with separate questionnaires. The questionnaire data were analysed using ANOVA test and Chi-square test. Research findings suggest that female and male leaders differ in their perceptions of the impact of their own successful leadership roles. Male leaders perceived personal skills, unique ideas, reputation and spousal support as determinants of successful leadership, whereas female respondents did not perceive these factors as being important. More than half of men (51.8%) agreed with the statement that their leadership successes have led them to make new friends instead of old ones. This compares with only 4% of women. Almost half of female leaders (47.1%) believe that they have kept their old friends. Less than half (45.1%) of women feel that leadership has had a positive or negative impact on family and relationships.


University of Debrecen/ Debreceni Egyetem

ISSN: 2063-6415



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