

In: Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Legal Studies, Heft 125, S. 17-20

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


The article deals with methodological aspects of avoiding and reducing legal risks in the city. Legal problems are raised, which have an impact on the harmonious development of the city. Issues of danger for life of city-dwellers are considered. Appeal to theoretical problems of the methodology of risks is caused by the desire to investigate in which direction modern law develops on the way to regulate modern relations of safety in the city. The emphasis is on the methodology of legal risks, in that deep and broad sense, which helps not only in finding the criteria of delimitation of spheres of public and private law as well as subjective rights of participants of the relevant social relations, but also in the formation of our knowledge of a holistic picture on the way of security events in the city. The question of the ratio of approaches of risk definition is revealed at the interdisciplinary level. It is noted that the theory of private law gives quite comprehensive answers to the question of determining the risk, its legal nature and the relationship with the institution of responsibility. Using the methodological component, it is indicated those logical steps aim at fully avoiding or minimizing risks.


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv



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