Aufsatz(elektronisch)1. Mai 2015

Learning from teachers and pupils in literature: case-based aesthetic reading in EFL teacher education

In: Journal of Language and Cultural Education: JoLaCE, Band 3, Heft 2, S. 1-13

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


Claims for the value of literature in EFL teaching and learning traditionally centre around three models: the cultural, language, and the personal growth model (Carter & Long, 1991). In the context of EFL teacher education, the core question is: can literature also contribute to the professional development of EFL trainee teachers and, if so, how? Based on the assumption that school-related English-language literature can be used for professional case-based work this paper reports a context-specific interdisciplinary model of literature in education which synthesizes case theory (Steiner, 2004) and the theory of dialogic aesthetic reading (Delanoy, 2002), thus providing an educational setting for both literary experience and professional learning in EFL teacher education.




Walter de Gruyter GmbH

ISSN: 1339-4584



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