Aufsatz(elektronisch)April 2007

A Wake-Up Call in Afghanistan

In: Journal of democracy, Band 18, Heft 2, S. 84-98

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


As Afghanistan enters its sixth year since the overthrow of Taliban rule, the violent comeback campaign by Islamic insurgents is dominating headlines. Restoring security will require bringing more aid and better government to neglected rural areas, but it will be impossible to deliver those improvements so long as officials, workers, and projects remain vulnerable to attack. It is now dramatically apparent that even though Afghanistan has successfully held elections and met the formal requirements for a transition to democracy, it remains beset by a staggering array of problems, from public corruption to private warlordism, that have been allowed to fester virtually unchecked.




Project MUSE

ISSN: 1086-3214



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