Aufsatz(elektronisch)17. Juni 2024

Assessing the Decision-Making Capabilities of Artificial Intelligence Platforms as Institutional Review Board Members

In: Journal of empirical research on human research ethics: JERHRE ; an international journal

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


Background: Institutional review boards (IRBs) face delays in reviewing research proposals, underscoring the need for optimized standard operating procedures (SOPs). This study assesses the abilities of three artificial intelligence (AI) platforms to address IRB challenges and draft essential SOPs. Methods: An observational study was conducted using three AI platforms in 10 case studies reflecting IRB functions, focusing on creating SOPs. The accuracy of the AI outputs was assessed against good clinical practice (GCP) guidelines. Results: The AI tools identified GCP issues, offered guidance on GCP violations, detected conflicts of interest and SOP deficiencies, recognized vulnerable populations, and suggested expedited review criteria. They also drafted SOPs with some differences. Conclusion: AI platforms could aid IRB decision-making and improve review efficiency. However, human oversight remains critical for ensuring the accuracy of AI-generated solutions.




SAGE Publications

ISSN: 1556-2654



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