Aufsatz(elektronisch)Januar 2023

Healthcare Professionals' Resilience During the COVID-19 and Organizational Factors That Improve Individual Resilience: A Mixed-Method Study

In: Health services insights, Band 16

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Healthcare workers are a susceptible population to be psychologically affected during health crises, such as the recent COVID-19 pandemic. Resilience has been pointed out in the literature as a possible protective factor against psychological distress in crisis situations. This can be influenced by internal and external factors, such as individual characteristics and organizational factors. Thus, this study aims to characterize the overall resilience levels among healthcare professionals in Portugal and to understand the perspectives of this healthcare workers regarding organizational factors that improve individual resilience. This is a mixed-method study: a first quantitative study using a cross-sectional design to administer the Resilience Scale for Adults (RSA) to 271 healthcare professionals (Mage 33.90, SD = 9.59 years, 90.80% female), followed by a qualitative study through 10 in-depth interviews. The mean score for the total RSA was 178.17 (SD = 22.44) out of a total of 231. Qualitative analysis showed 4 major themes on factors that enhance resilience: "Professional's Training," "Support and Wellbeing Measures," "Reorganization of Services" and "Professional Acknowledgment." The findings may contribute to the development of targeted interventions and support systems to enhance resilience and well-being among healthcare workers.




SAGE Publications

ISSN: 1178-6329



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