Aufsatz(elektronisch)18. September 2007

Manhood Incorporated: Diet and the Embodiment of "Civilized" Masculinity

In: Men and masculinities, Band 11, Heft 5, S. 578-601

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


Employing an interdisciplinary framework, this article attempts to "think" the history of men and masculinities in a transnational way by connecting the distinctive experiences of specific national cultures to the broader anxieties about modern civilization that exercised Westerners generally. As a contribution to a more comprehensive analysis of the male body, it argues that the consumption of food and other ingesta was thought to have considerable consequences for the masculinity of Western elites, whether aristocratic or bourgeois, in a manner that promoted the cultural construction (literally, the "incorporation") of certain forms of manhood both as social representations and embodied experiences. It thus encourages a deeper understanding of how the male body is materially as well as symbolically constructed, and how this construction relates to various masculine norms.




SAGE Publications

ISSN: 1552-6828



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