Aufsatz(elektronisch)16. August 2010

Victims' Routine Activities and Sex Offenders' Target Selection Scripts: A Latent Class Analysis

In: Sexual abuse: official journal of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA), Band 22, Heft 3, S. 315-342

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


This study investigates target selection scripts of 72 serial sex offenders who have committed a total of 361 sex crimes on stranger victims. Using latent class analysis, three target selection scripts were identified based on the victim's activities prior to the crime, each presenting two different tracks: (1) the Home script, which includes the (a) intrusion track and the (b) invited track, (2) the Outdoor script, which includes the (a) noncoercive track and the (b) coercive track, and (3) the Social script, which includes the (a) onsite track and the (b) off-site track. The scripts identified appeared to be used by both sexual aggressors of children and sexual aggressors of adults. In addition, a high proportion of crime switching was found among the identified scripts, with half of the 72 offenders switching scripts at least once. The theoretical relevance of these target selection scripts and their practical implications for situational crime prevention strategies are discussed.




SAGE Publications

ISSN: 1573-286X



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