Aufsatz(elektronisch)3. Juni 2017

When the "Laws of Fear" Do Not Apply: Effective Counterterrorism and the Sense of Security from Terrorism

In: Political research quarterly: PRQ ; official journal of the Western Political Science Association and other associations, Band 70, Heft 3, S. 618-631

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


We investigate how effective counterterrorism influences (1) confidence in government efforts to deal with terrorism and (2) the sense of insecurity from attacks. Research on "heuristic judgments" implies information about counterterrorism undercuts people's perceived security from terrorism. Across three experiments, however, we find that people who are exposed to information about effective counterterrorism express more confidence in governments to protect citizens from future attacks and prevent future violence than those who did not receive these treatments. People who receive information about effective counterterrorism also show greater willingness to travel to locations where the risk of terrorism is prominent than those who are only exposed to material about terrorism. Finally, we find that counterterrorism information does not inevitably undermine government efforts to reassure people about their security. On the contrary, information about effective counterterrorism erased the effects of exposure to information about terrorism in one study.




SAGE Publications

ISSN: 1938-274X



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