Aufsatz(elektronisch)16. September 2022

In the flesh

In: The Journal of men's studies, Band 30, Heft 3, S. 331-339

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


The author incorporates her creative writing to share her untold experience of what Carole J. Sheffield would identify as sexual terrorism. She then engages in a candid dialogue with co-editor Patricia Richards, demonstrating the power of conversation as a feminist method. Inspired by their feminist imagination, they explore ways to construct meaning and produce knowledge beyond conventional, mainstream frameworks in sociology. In this intellectual praxis, they explore themes such as the aesthetics of resilience, poetry and creativity, non-mainstream epistemologies across disciplines (including but not limited to Anzaldúa's theorizing on el corazón con razón and Fals Borda's sentipensante sociology), authenticity and intellectual vulnerability.




SAGE Publications

ISSN: 1060-8265, 1933-0251



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