Intergroup Differentiation and Reduction of Intergroup Conflict
In: Small group research: an international journal of theory, investigation, and application, Band 24, Heft 1, S. 28-43
An integrative interpretation identifies three fonns of intergroup differentiation within the small group research literature and specifies how each may reduce or prevent informal conflict between groups. Two forms of evaluative intergroup differentiation can provide formal and symbolic substitutes for this conflict. Nonevaluative niche differentiation, in which groups enact equally valued, separate roles that may be similar qualitatively distinct, or interdependent, is identified as especially important in reducing or preventing informal intergroup conflict. Niche differentiation is viewed as differing according to the intergroup role relationships occurring in intergroup environments of varying maturity levels. In all settinigs, niche differentiation can reduce poteiitial and existing conflict by emphasizing larger intergroup concerns. Support for parts of this interpretation is found in the classic studies on intergroup conflict by Sherif atid in related work. Applications are briefly discussed, including the possible developmenit of niiche differenitiationi through intervenition.
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