Aufsatz(elektronisch)September 1981

Expectations Related to Physical Culture in Hungary

In: International review of sport sociology: irss ; a quarterly edited on behalf of the International Sociology of Sport Association (ISSA), Band 16, Heft 3, S. 45-60

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


In their work the authors compare the axiom-like thesis elaborated by a work ing-group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, i.e., practical conclusions drawn from it related to the true situation. In the first part the fundamental thesis is studied, according to which "...phy sical culture is an indispensable element of the culture of a socialist human being living in the last quarter of the twentieth century." The author believes, that, in Hungary socialist-minded people accept this thesis when speaking about socialist culture in general, but doubt it, when the question is about socialist culture of the individual. They analyze the reasons of doubt and of refusal and in corre lation — based upon empirical facts — social conditions of physical culture. In the second part the authors study the question in what way the conclusion drawn in the form of a postulate follows from the fundamental thesis, as a pre miss, of the recommendations of the Somatic Committee. The postulate contains the following practical requirements: "...beside foregoing political, professional and general human (ethical) postulates physical culture expectations have to be gra dually asserted towards both, leaders and subordinates." They establish that there is more in the conclusion than in the premiss, which means that though the fundamental thesis is in close correlation with the con clusion, it does not, in itself, justify existence of the latter. In support of this statement, the authors start from the point to what extent the principle in question asserts itself. According to their opinion, in Hungary, at present no requirements including many-sided, regular physical training assert themselves at all towards people actively engaged in work. (Towards school boys and school girls, university students and conscripts there are some physical culture expectations, though not to a necessary extent). According to their judgement the reason why sport-cultural requirements do not figure among those set to working people is that postulates, in general, are not of a cultural character. Their conclusion is that, self-assertion of physical-culture expectation is not only based upon the fact that physical culture is an integral part of the culture of a socialist human being, but also that the interests of both, individual and society require essential advance in this field, one of the forms of which could be inclusion of the sport-cultural postulate in the expectations. In the final part of their work the authors indicate the problems that would arise if, in their country, a postulate of this trend were introduced.




SAGE Publications



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