Aufsatz(elektronisch)5. Februar 2014

Polymer Science Research in India during 1999–2012: A Scientometric Study Based on Science Citation Index-Expanded

In: Science, technology & society: an international journal devoted to the developing world, Band 19, Heft 1, S. 95-108

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


The Scientometric study on 'Polymer Science Research in India' based on Science Citation Index-Expanded shows that publication in polymer science by Indian scientists has increased steadily during the period 1999–2012. Total of 25,566 records were retrieved from the SCI for 1999–2012. In terms of world share, India stood at seventh position. India contributed only 4.38 per cent of publications to world output during 1999–2012. The authorship study validates that now-a-days multiple authorship prevails in almost all fields especially science subjects. Therefore, Lotka law when applied in our study does not pass the test. The institutions involved in polymer science research in India are mostly government supported academic institutions. The presence of private research laboratories is negligible. The Indian scientists in polymer science are collaborating with international scientists mostly in terms of joint publications. Out of top 40 journals, there are 34 foreign journals and are mostly from USA and UK. The analysis of subject categories shows that the polymer science is a multi-disciplinary field.




SAGE Publications

ISSN: 0973-0796



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