Aufsatz(elektronisch)1. September 2006

Central Values of Government and Business: Differences, Similarities and Conflicts1

In: Public administration quarterly, Band 30, Heft 3, S. 314-364

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


Over the last decades scholars have been devoting more and more attention to differences and similarities between public and private sector organizations. Relatively underrepresented, when compared to studies on organizational status and management, are comparative empirical studies on the differences and similarities between the central values of public and private sector organizations. This article presents an overview of the academic debate on differences and similarities between the morals and values of public and private sector organizations. Public and private sector values derived from Administrative Ethics and Business Ethics literature are compared, as well as values that are mentioned in public and private sector codes of conduct. In addition, intra-sector comparisons between the values derived from literature reviews and those in codes are conducted. After the distinguished values are weighted, combined and supplemented, taking into account empirical research on public and private sector values as well, a definitive 'value panorama' is presented as a basis for empirical comparative research. Implications and strategies for future research are presented.




SAGE Publications



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