Aufsatz(elektronisch)9. Januar 2017

The travelling business of sustainable urbanism: International consultants as norm-setters

In: Environment and planning. A, Band 49, Heft 8, S. 1779-1796

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This article examines the international travels of ideas about sustainable urban planning and design through a focus on private sector architecture, planning and engineering consultants. These consultants, who we refer to as the global intelligence corps (GIC), package up their expertise in urban sustainability as a marketable commodity, and apply it on projects around the world. In doing so, the global intelligence corps shape norms about what constitutes 'good' sustainable urban planning, and contribute to the development of an internationalised travelling model of sustainable urbanism. This article draws on a broad study of the industry (GIC) in sustainable urban planning and design, and two in-depth case studies of Swedish global intelligence corps firms working on Chinese Eco-city projects. Analysis of this material illustrates how the global intelligence corps's work shapes a traveling model of sustainable urbanism, and how this in turn creates and reinforces particular norms in urban planning practice.




SAGE Publications

ISSN: 1472-3409



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