Aufsatz(elektronisch)2. März 2019

Participatory Frustration: The Unintended Cultural Effect of Local Democratic Innovations

In: Administration & society, Band 52, Heft 5, S. 718-748

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


Most research on participatory processes has stressed the positive effects that these institutions have in the relationships between public authorities and civil society. This article analyzes a more negative product that has received scant attention: participatory frustration. Departing from Hirschman's cycles of involvement and detachment, the article shows four paths toward frustration after engaging in institutional participatory processes: (a) inflated expectations, (b) the failure of design and adjusting mechanisms, (c) poor results, and (d) abrupt discontinuations. Drawing on six cases in Spanish cities, this article proposes a reflection on how participatory reforms can contribute to feed frustration and political disenchantment.




SAGE Publications

ISSN: 1552-3039



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