Aufsatz(elektronisch)4. Januar 2024

Daily Cannabis Use: Do Impulsivity and Sensation Seeking Predict Negative Cannabis Related Consequences?

In: Journal of drug issues: JDI

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Objective Cannabis use can result in negative cannabis-related consequences (NCRC), particularly among individuals high in impulsivity and sensation seeking. Continued research is necessary to determine if these associations generalize to community adults with daily legal cannabis use. We hypothesized that impulsivity and sensation seeking would positively predict NCRC. Method Community adults ( N = 51) participated in a study measuring personality, cannabis use, and related outcomes, as part of a larger study. Two multiple regression models predicting NCRC were conducted: one for impulsivity facets and one for sensation seeking facets. Results Positive urgency was significantly negatively associated with NCRC. Risk seeking was significantly positively associated with NCRC. All other personality facets were not significantly associated with NCRC. Conclusions Associations between some personality facets and NCRC may differ among adults with daily legal cannabis use. Future research should continue to explore unique personality associations related to NCRC among individuals with daily use.




SAGE Publications

ISSN: 1945-1369



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