Aufsatz(elektronisch)13. Januar 2012

Quantitative Evidence of the Continuing Significance of Race: Tableside Racism in Full-Service Restaurants

In: Journal of black studies, Band 43, Heft 4, S. 359-384

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


Despite popular claims that racism and discrimination are no longer salient issues in contemporary society, members of racially underrepresented groups continue to experience disparate treatment in everyday public interactions. The context of full-service restaurants is one such public setting wherein African Americans, in particular, encounter racial prejudices and discriminatory treatment. To further understand the pervasiveness of such anti-Black attitudes and actions within the restaurant context, this article analyzes primary survey data derived from a community sample of servers ( N = 200). Participants were asked a series of questions ascertaining information about the racial climate of their workplaces. Findings reveal substantial server negativity toward African Americans' tipping and dining behaviors. Racialized discourse and discriminatory behaviors are also shown to be quite common in the restaurant context. The anti-Black attitudes and actions that the authors document in this research are illustrative of the continuing significance of race in contemporary society, and the authors encourage further research on this relatively neglected area of inquiry.




SAGE Publications

ISSN: 1552-4566



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