Aufsatz(elektronisch)12. April 2022

Gendered racial microaggressions, internalized racism, and suicidal ideation among emerging adult Asian American women

In: The international journal of social psychiatry, Band 69, Heft 2, S. 342-350

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


Background: Despite suicide being the leading cause of death among emerging adult Asian American women (AAW), little is known about the risk factors. Aim: We tested whether gendered racial microaggressions stress (GRMS) would be associated with AAW's suicidal ideation, and whether internalized racism (self-negativity, IRSN; weakness stereotypes, IRWS; and appearance bias, IRAB) would exacerbate this link based on self-devaluating implications of internalized racism. Method: Using a sample of 309 AAW ( Mage = 20.00, SD = 6.26), we conducted a moderated logistic regression with GRMS predicting suicidal ideation (endorsement or no endorsement) and the three internalized racism factors (IRSN, IRWS, and IRAB) as moderators. Results: GRMS significantly predicted suicidal ideation with a threefold increase in the odds of suicidal ideation. Only IRSN significantly exacerbated this link at low to mean levels. Conclusion: Gendered racial microaggressions is likely a risk factor for suicidal ideation among AAW, particularly for those who internalize negative images of themselves as Asian individuals.




SAGE Publications

ISSN: 1741-2854



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