Aufsatz(elektronisch)September 1960

The Dawn of Mechanical Translation

In: American behavioral scientist: ABS, Band 4, Heft 1, S. 16-20

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


Cryptanalysis, linguistics, literary analysis, content analysis, and translation have been edging together in theory and in method for some years. Since World War II a new invention complex has appeared that emanates from and speeds up the amal gamation of fields. This is mechanical or machine translation, a socio-mechanical invention to promote trans-linguistic communication. Working largely with general purpose computers, a hundred men and a score of organizations have brought MT to the stage of rough models. If several of the fundamental problems are solved in the next generation, "One World" in the language of science, literature, and politics may begin to materialize. This article is based in part on the author's questionnaire survey of the organizations and individuals presently concerned with MT.




SAGE Publications

ISSN: 1552-3381



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