Aufsatz(elektronisch)19. Juni 2024

Unveiling the Intersection of Individual Stardom and Team Loyalty in Social Network Reflections: The Case of Soccer-Stars Ronaldo and Messi

In: American behavioral scientist: ABS

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This study investigates sport fandom's major dimensions: star attraction and team identification, analyzing transfers of soccer players Ronaldo and Messi. Data from teams' official social media (Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter/X) using scripts inform our analysis. Results reveal star attraction's significant prominence over team identification. Instagram, linked to celebrity culture and star fandom, displays the highest online growth, emphasizing star attraction's centrality in sport fandom on social media. Implications for fans, teams, and marketers are discussed, emphasizing the need for nuanced understanding to enhance engagement and marketing. Overall, valuable insights into sport fandom's complex dynamics in the social media age emerge.




SAGE Publications

ISSN: 1552-3381



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