Aufsatz(elektronisch)18. Mai 2001

Cultural Tools, Social Interaction and the Development of Thinking

In: Human development, Band 44, Heft 2-3, S. 126-143

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This paper discusses the role of cultural artifacts or tools in cognitive development. It examines how social interaction with more experienced partners helps children learn how to use tools that support thinking. Of particular interest is how children come to understand and use external representations, such as plans, to guide action. The discussion is illustrated by a study in which 4- to 5- and 6- to 7-year-old children and their mothers were observed as they constructed a toy by following a step-by-step action plan. The view is expressed that in order to understand cognitive development it is important to examine thinking and its development in relation to the cultural tools that support much of the intelligent action in which humans engage.




S. Karger AG

ISSN: 1423-0054



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