Aufsatz(elektronisch)15. Mai 2011

Collaborating with Parents in Reducing Children's Challenging Behaviors: Linking Functional Assessment to Intervention

In: Child Development Research, Band 2011, S. 1-10

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


The relationship between a functional assessment-based parent intervention and preschoolers' challenging behaviors was examined in the current study. A single subject design with a multiple baseline across 2 parent-child dyads was implemented. The researchers collaborated with parents to design the FA-based interventions and parents received varying levels of support throughout the study. Results indicate that parents were able to implement the functional assessment-based interventions, and these interventions effectively reduced children's challenging behaviors. In addition, parents continued implementing the intervention strategies following termination of the intervention, and children's challenging behaviors remained low.




Hindawi Limited

ISSN: 2090-3995



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