Aufsatz(elektronisch)19. April 2021

The Problem with "Confederate" Monuments on our Heritage Landscape

In: Social science quarterly, Band 102, Heft 3, S. 1002-1015

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


ObjectiveThis article seeks to reframe so‐called Confederate monuments as monuments to the revisionist "Lost Cause." I define these monuments as a problem for historic preservation that has long been based on a preference for in‐place protection of things "historic."MethodsI compare Confederate monuments' original intent with arguments that these are Civil War, soldier, or veteran memorials. I also explore monuments' value as sculpture and their de facto status as nationally significant and worthy of preservation.ResultsConfederate monuments are monuments to the Lost Cause, a narrative supporting the resurgence of white supremacy. We must reconsider the in‐place preservation of these monuments as a de facto choice of historic preservation.ConclusionThe structural problem of Confederate monuments for our national historic preservation program calls for its broader evaluation for inclusivity and racial justice. We must find other ways to tell the history of the Confederacy than through physical propaganda pieces of the failed national insurrection of the 1860s.





ISSN: 1540-6237



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