Aufsatz(elektronisch)5. Januar 2018

An investigation of relational turbulence and depressive symptoms in newly married women

In: Personal relationships, Band 25, Heft 1, S. 22-37

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


AbstractThis study uses the relational turbulence model to examine depressive symptoms in newly married women. It reports data from a pre‐/posttest study in which 152 women completed an online survey during their engagement and 6 months after their wedding. Nearly 12% of the women reported reliable and clinically meaningful increases in depressive symptoms after their wedding. Using panel data analysis, this study found that increases in self uncertainty, partner uncertainty, and relationship uncertainty as well as in partner interference were associated with increases in depressive symptoms. This novel test of the relational turbulence model examined the impact of change in (rather than level of) relational turbulence, and the findings extend previous work by demonstrating how mechanisms of relational turbulence impact mental health.





ISSN: 1475-6811



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