Aufsatz(elektronisch)3. Mai 2024

MIDAS and dividend growth predictability: Revisiting the excess volatility puzzle

In: The journal of financial research: the journal of the Southern Finance Association and the Southwestern Finance Association

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


AbstractWe examine dividend growth predictability and the excess volatility puzzle across a large sample of international equity markets using a mixed‐frequency data sampling (MIDAS) regression approach. We find that accounting for dividend seasonality under the MIDAS framework significantly improves dividend growth predictability compared to simple regressions with annually aggregated data. Moreover, variance bounds tests that allow for nonstationary dividends consistently fail to reject the market efficiency hypothesis across all countries. Our findings suggest that the common rejection of market efficiency in the literature is most likely driven by the annual aggregation of dividend data as well as by the assumption of stationary dividends.





ISSN: 1475-6803



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