Aufsatz(elektronisch)März 1997

The Nature of Social Competence: A Theoretical Review

In: Social development, Band 6, Heft 1, S. 111-135

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


AbstractConsistent with much of the research literature, social competence is defined as effectiveness in social interaction. Effectiveness is broadly considered, and includes both self and other perspectives. Social competence is viewed as an organizing construct, with transactional, context‐dependent, and goal‐specific characteristics. Four general approaches to the operational definition of social competence are identified: social skills, sociometric status, relationships, and functional outcomes. A Prism Model of social competence is presented, based on theoretical, index and skills levels of analyses. The implications of the Prism Model for developmental, gender, cultural, assessment and intervention issues are also discussed.





ISSN: 1467-9507



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