Aufsatz(elektronisch)März 1996

Government Accrual Reports: Are They Better Than Cash?

In: Australian journal of public administration, Band 55, Heft 1, S. 86-87

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


In assessing the usefulness of consolidated accrual reporting for governments there are grounds for both optimism and caution. Accrual reporting offers some advantages although a number of government specific issues relating to the preparation and interpretation of government accrual accounts need to be addressed. These issues include the implications of the different role of governments compared to businesses and boundary issues, such as the treatment of public pensions.Accrual reports will not meet all our reporting needs and the limitations of the reports will need to be understood by users. Commonwealth and State treasuries are currently examining accrual reporting issues. A number of treasuries have already published consolidated accrual reports and most remaining jurisdictions are to trial the preparation of consolidated accrual reports.





ISSN: 1467-8500



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