
Gloria Anzaldúa's Affective Logic ofVolverse Una

In: Hypatia: a journal of feminist philosophy, Band 31, Heft 2, S. 334-351

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Although Gloria Anzaldúa's critical categories have steadily entered discussions in the field of philosophy, a lingering skepticism remains about her works' ability to transcend the particularity of her lived experience. In an effort to respond to this attitude, I make Anzaldúa's corpus the center of philosophical analysis and posit that immanent to this work is a logic that lends it the unity of a critical philosophy that accounts for its concrete, multilayered character and shifting, creative force. I call this an "affective logic ofvolverse una." Starting with the understanding of a situated modality of all subjectivity, Anzaldúa's work exhibits a logic of three moments distinguished by states of awareness. Each state of awareness is characterized by the generative degree of the subject's responses to its conditions: critical, individuating, and expansive. Led by her late concepts of conocimiento and nepantlera, I return to her earlier works and trace Anzaldúa's innovative exploration of undoing the oppressive condition of marginal subjectivities from "La Prieta" throughBorderlands/La Fronterato her final published essay "now let us shift." I find a liberatory schema ofvolverse una/becoming whole that is grounded in an active receptivity of sensibility and facilitated by affective technologies for transformation.




Cambridge University Press (CUP)

ISSN: 1527-2001



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