Aufsatz(elektronisch)Mai 2000

Book reviews

In: The economic history review, Band 53, Heft 2, S. 354-408

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Books reviewed: Colonisation and conquest in medieval Ireland: the English in Louth, 1170‐1330, Marie Therese Flanagan The household knights of King John, Peter Coss Thirteenth‐century England, VII: proceedings of the Durham conference 1997, Brendan Smith Hertfordshire lay subsidy rolls: 1307 and 1334, Phillipp R. Schofield The great household in late medieval England, Anne Curry The lay subsidy for Shropshire, 1524‐7, John S. Moore Theatre, finance and society in early modern England, Craig Muldrew British identities before nationalism: ethnicity and nationhood in the Atlantic world, 1600‐1800, D. W. Hayton History of work and labour relations in the royal dockyards, Chris Wrigley Gentlemanly capitalism and British imperialism: the new debate on empire, Simon C. Smith Irish migrants in modern Britain, 1750‐1922, Graham Davis Land reform and working‐class experience in Britain and the United States, 1800‐1862, Rohan McWilliam Black '47 and beyond: the Great Irish Famine in history, economy and memory, Philip Ollerensha The hungry stream: essays on emigration and famine, Patrick O'Sullivan Crimes of outrage: sex, violence and Victorian working women, Megan Doolittle The problem of mental deficiency: eugenics, democracy, and social policy in Britain, c. 1870‐1959, Joseph Melling Phoenix Assurance and the development of British insurance, II: the era of the insurance giants, 1870‐1984, Edwin Green Capitalism, community and conflict: the south Wales coalfield, 1898‐ 1947, Sian Rhiannon williams 'Millions like us'?: British culture in the Second World War, Dave Russell Anticipating total war: the German and American experiences, 1871‐1914, Robin Clifton Fifty years of the Deutsche Mark: central bank and the currency in Germany since 1948, Catherine R. Schenk The Venetian money market: banks, panics, and the public debt, 1200‐1500, David Abulafia Guilds, markets and work regulations in Italy, 16th‐19th centuries, Iorwerth Prothero The economy and material culture of Russia, 1600‐1725, Jeremy Black Food and eating in medieval Europe, Jane Whittle Art markets in Europe, 1400‐1800, Malcolm Falkus Shaping history: ordinary people in European politics, 1500‐1700, Dagmar Freist Cathedrals of consumption: the Euro‐pean department store, 1850‐1939, Michael Miller Technological revolutions in Europe: historical perspectives, Gillian Cookson Contagion and the state in Europe, 1830‐1930, Roger Davidson Merchants, companies and trade: Europe and Asia in the early modern era, H. V. Bowen Consumers against capitalism? Consumer cooperation in Europe, North America, and Japan, 1840‐1990, Sean O'Connell Getting and spending: European and American consumer societies in the twentieth century, Gareth Shaw Eastside landmark: a history of the East Los Angeles Community Union, 1968‐1993, Marci R. Green The Atlantic slave trade, Madge Dresser Montpelier, Jamaica: a plantation community in slavery and freedom, 1739‐1912, J. R. Oldfield Searching for a better society: the Peruvian economy from 1950, Paulo Drinot An agrarian history of south Asia (The new Cambridge history of India, IV: 4), David Arnold Development planning in India: exploring an alternative approach, Terence J. Byres The premodern Chinese economy: structural equilibrium and capitalist sterility, David W. Clayton Tigers, rice, silk, and silt: environment and economy in late imperial south China, Philip Richardson Technology and gender: fabrics of power in late imperial China, David W. Clayton Mercantilism in a Japanese domain: the merchant origins of economic nationalism in eighteenth‐century Tosa, John F. Wilson Japan and Singapore in the world economy: Japan's economic advance into Singapore, 1870‐1965, Nicholas J. White Africa works: disorder as political instrumentdouglas rimmer The wealth of nations, John Glassford Adam Smith's daughters: eight prominent women economists from the eighteenth century to the present, Jane Howells The foundations of laissez‐faire: the economics of Pierre de Boisguilbert, A. W. Bob Coats Secret origins of modern micro‐economics: Dupuit and the engineers, Richard Whatmore The state, the financial system and economic modernization, Duncan M. Ross Fabricating the Keynesian revolution: studies of the inter‐war literature on money, the cycle and unemployment, Roger Middleton The city in time and space, Helen Meller The theory of innovation: entrepreneurs, technology and strategy, G. N. von Tunzelman





ISSN: 1468-0289



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