Aufsatz(elektronisch)21. Februar 2025

Compliance and enforcement in the AIA through AI

In: Yearbook of European law

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


The Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA) relies on public authorities to survey and monitor the compliance systems of private companies and establish appropriate discovery mechanisms to render ex-officio enforcement possible. The article analyses the intricacies of compliance and enforcement of the AIA and the interaction between private companies and public authorities, thus preventing the marketing of AI systems that are dangerous to both people and society. The striking complexity of the enforcement structure invites us to consider the use of AI in compliance and enforcement. Such areas to consider are: handling the communication between hundreds of competent national authorities; communication between the European Union (EU) and the private compliance bodies; generating and processing information on the design and use of AI systems, in facilitating regulatory action in the EU as a whole.




Oxford University Press (OUP)

ISSN: 2045-0044



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