Aufsatz(elektronisch)13. Dezember 2023

Putting the Politics Back into Conflicts: Understanding Armed Orders in Post-colonial South Asia Ordering Violence: Explaining Armed Group-State Relations from Conflict to Cooperation / Paul Staniland. – Ithaca : Cornell University Press , 2021. – xiv + 339 p. – ISBN 9781501761119 ; 9781501761119(pbk): Ordering Violence: Explaining Armed Group-State Relations from Conflict to Cooperation / Paul Staniland. – Ithaca : Cornell University Press , 2021. – xiv + 339 p. – ISBN 9781501761119 ; 9781501761119 (pbk)

In: The international spectator: journal of the Istituto Affari Internazionali, Band 59, Heft 1, S. 182-184

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Informa UK Limited

ISSN: 1751-9721



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